How does Scaleflux enable in-situ processing within the storage device itself?
The CSD 3000 uses hardware engines to perform the compression/decompression function.
The CSD 3000 uses hardware engines to perform the compression/decompression function.
While both ScaleFlux and Pure provide Flash-based solutions, the two companies are addressing different parts of the storage market. Pure sells All Flash Arrays (AFA)… Read More »Why is hardware compression in storage uncommon?
No, we use industry standard compression algorithms.
That’s pretty much the flow! The drive receives a write IO, performs compression and collation to create page-aligned blocks of data, encrypts the data and… Read More »As data flows through the IO path (compression→encryption→write-to-flash and read-from-flash→decryption→decompression) how does each write and read IO request get handled?
The drives are block devices. A large file sent to the drive gets divided up into 4KB blocks for compression (invisible to the user) and… Read More »How does ScaleFlux deal with large file data sets, like Drone imaging containing very large files?
Yes, ScaleFlux has a utility you can download to estimate your data’s compressibility.
When compression is done in hardware on the drive, compression becomes a performance accelerator as it minimizes SSD overhead activities such as garbage collection. The… Read More »How does Scaleflux utilize data compression?