Lessons from Home Storage Innovations for Enterprise Solutions
Look at any graph showing the growth in data generated, consumed, copied, and stored, which resembles a steep climb. Organizations and IT consider strategies for best managing this as data projects to grow to 180 zettabytes by 2025, up from 64.2 ZB in 2020. And all this while government agencies, communities, and users demand more sustainable solutions and practices in the data center.
How Arm cores can increase data center sustainability
Contributing to the data challenge is the world’s colossal boom in data – including from IoT devices at the edge – and new, AI-enabled analytics tools that make finding insights in that data easier. Organizations also face government regulations that dictate how long they must keep data. As a result, organizations keep practically all their data just in case they find a need for it later. Unfortunately, that strains data centers and maxes out energy capacity.