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Tongdun cuts infrastructure costs by 50% using CSD 2000 for Aerospike

  • ScaleFlux 
  • 2 min read

Tongdun, a leader in intelligent analysis and decision-making in China, recently completed an evaluation of the ScaleFlux CSD 2000 in its Aerospike database cluster. 

Tongdun, a leader in intelligent analysis and decision-making in China, recently completed an evaluation of the ScaleFlux CSD 2000 in its Aerospike database cluster. This Aerospike deployment is used to detect potentially fraudulent activity in electronic payment transactions, screening over 20 Billion transactions per year… and growing rapidly. The transaction screening activity must meet extremely stringent latency requirements (which Aerospike and CSD 2000 are designed for).

Tongdun’s Aerospike system has grown from 10’s of TB to 100’s of TB, causing strain on their infrastructure budgets and introducing management challenges due to the rapidly growing scale of the data. So, the Tongdun team is looking for ways to achieve their performance needs while staying within budget and simplifying the infrastructure complexity. With the CSD 2000’s transparent compression/decompression feature, Tongdun determined that they could:

  • Store 5x as many KV pairs per drive (vs ordinary NVMe)
  • Simplify the management overhead by using all-Flash
  • Improve latency by an order of magnitude
  • Meet their performance and capacity needs with 50% fewer servers

This case study highlights how using CSD 2000 can result in TCO savings that extends beyond just the Flash. The full paper is available here.



ScaleFlux is the pioneer in deploying Computational Storage at scale. Computational Storage is the foundation for modern, data-driven infrastructure that enables responsive performance, affordable scaling, and agile platforms for compute and storage I/O intensive applications. Founded in 2014, ScaleFlux is a well-funded startup with leaders proven to deploy complex computing and solid-state storage solutions in volume.