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GlobalDots Feature: CSS Product Brief (Russian)

  • ScaleFlux 
  • 1 min read

Our worldwide partner GlobalDots wrote a post about the CSS product line and accelerated applications on the Russian blog, a hub frequented by tech industry veterans from across many disc

Our worldwide partner GlobalDots wrote a post about the CSS product line and accelerated applications on the Russian blog, a hub frequented by tech industry veterans from across many disciplines. This product brief serves as an excellent point of exposure for Computational Storage.

Read the post (in Russian) here!



ScaleFlux is the pioneer in deploying Computational Storage at scale. Computational Storage is the foundation for modern, data-driven infrastructure that enables responsive performance, affordable scaling, and agile platforms for compute and storage I/O intensive applications. Founded in 2014, ScaleFlux is a well-funded startup with leaders proven to deploy complex computing and solid-state storage solutions in volume.